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Jor Bagh metro station
Opened all days of the week from 7am to 5pm

Safdarjung Tomb


constructed in the year 1754, Safdarjung Tomb is the last garden tomb built in the late Mughal Empire Style. It is the sandstone and Marble mausoleum of the Mughal statesman Mirza Muqim Abul Mansur Khan who was popularly called as Safdarjung. This monumental tomb looks like an architectural inspiration drawn from the Humayun tomb, whereas for its erection slabs from the tomb of Abdul Rahim Khankhana were used. Safdarjung Tomb has a dual storied entry gate and a five-part facade all beautifully crafted in purple. It also sustain an inscription on in Arabic that says “When the hero of plain bravery diverge from the transitory, may he become a inhabitant of God’s paradise”. The tomb has a ninefold floor plan consisting many rooms and libraries. At the right of the main gate there lies the three domed mosques. The facade and the central dome constructed on a terrace give the mausoleum of Safdarjung a somewhat resembles to that of the Taj Mahal, omit the lack of symmetry due to the vertical prominence does makes to structure. The four octagonal towers on its four corners are also different from the Taj Mahal in which they stay unfastened from the facade of the tomb. The time Safdarjung tomb was constructed, the Mughal empire was in its end stage. Thus, poor quality of materials ...

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