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Himachal Pradesh
6:00 AM - 5:00 PM
No Entry Fee

Manu Temple


Manu Temple is an ancient temple found at a distance of 3 km from the main market of Manali. The complete shrine of Manu Temple is dedicated to the Manu – the Great Indian Sage, who is considered to be the creator of this world. In fact, some sagas rely heavily on the fact that the present-day temple is the exact place where sage Manu would meditate habitually. This temple is not just another temple you usually visit. To reach the temple you need to trespass a narrow road which in itself seems to be nothing less than a thrilling adventure. This place is a perfect blend of comfort and exploration for all the adventure buffs. Apart from the adventure, Manu Temple is a holy shrine that will get you one step closer to Mother Nature. The moment you reach the entrance you will feel the calm breeze and fresh air blowing all around. It feels as if all your senses are activated and your soul is fed with peacefulness and tranquillity. This place will awake your spiritualism and sanctity. Manu Temple was reconstructed in the year 1992 with marble floors and arched ceilings. If you take a close look at the construction of the temple today, it follows the pagoda style of architecture. The beauty of the Manu temple is amplified ten folds by its beautiful surroundings of the Beas River Valley.

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